If you take a look at the financial state of society at large, you may be tempted to believe that living without any debt is impossible in modern times. However, Christian finance need not mimic that of the secular world. As Christians, we are called to a higher standard in the way we manage our finances, especially when it comes to spending. If we adhere to God’s word in our spending habits, it is very possible to live a debt free life.debt free sign

A Needed Conviction

Living without any debt requires a great deal of conviction and commitment to Christian finance principles as laid out in the Bible. Romans 13:8 says “Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another…” This principle goes contrary to modern financial standards where living on credit is the expected norm. In fact, not having a credit record can actually work against you in today’s financial world as we discuss in another article. As a consumer, you may find it difficult to make major purchases on credit such as a vehicle, house or commercial property without having pre-established credit.

The Real Problem

Owning credit cards and establishing a credit record is not the problem per se. Just because you have a credit card does not mean that you are in debt. It is a lack of control over credit card spending that will lead to debt and financial difficulties. Credit cards increase your buying power, making it easier to acquire the things you need. Unfortunately, credit cards also facilitate buying the things you want, which often goes above and beyond what you need.

The real problem is not the credit card, it is the inappropriate use of them. Carrying balances, paying one account with another, impulse purchases and the like are what truly turn a simple credit card purchase into an overwhelming burden. This is why it is important to identify your wants from your needs.

The pull of materialism is very strong in society today, making it difficult to control one’s desires. Marketers spend billions of dollars to teach society that they need to continue buying the newest and coolest item on the market. If you’re not constantly on guard against this pull, it can be very easy to let your credit card spending get out of control.

Wise spending entails being selective in the items you buy. As a Christian, our financial spending should go deeper than mere material gain, remembering that “we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it.” (I Timothy 6:7) By keeping your financial priorities in line with Christian principals, you will be able to enjoy the financial blessings you have while living a debt-free life.

Credit Card Free vs Debt Free

Although it certainly is possible, you may not be able to live a completely credit card free life in modern times. However, you can live a debt free life. If you exercise greater control over your spending habits it is possible to become and stay debt free. Using your credit cards wisely and paying your bills on time will keep you from going into debt. You should also budget your spending to help you live within your financial income.

Many people who have fallen into this vicious cycle are finding relief through the Christian debt relief programs offered by FaithWorks Financial for assistance in overcoming bad spending habits and becoming debt free. If you are in need of bettering your financial situation, help is available.

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