30 Ways To Store Treasures In Heaven

Sometimes we get so caught up with getting on financial track, we let more important things go by the wayside.

It’s good (and biblical) to pay off debt and plan for the future, but we’re still commanded to store our greatest treasures in heaven, not in a bank account.

Jesus says our heart will be where our treasure is. And I think there is a plethora of ways to focus our hearts on that which is eternal. It’s not always about grand gestures; the little things really do count.

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With that in mind, here are 30 ways for believers to set our hearts on God and store up treasures in heaven.

1. Call or visit an elderly friend or relative.
2. Introduce yourself to a visitor or an unfamiliar face at church.
3. Pay for the person behind you at the drive-thru.
4. Buy some water bottles, chill them and hand them out on a hot day.
5. Offer up a free night of babysitting for a single mom or a busy couple.
6. Spend time snuggling and reading with your child.
7. Surprise your spouse and do a chore that’s not normally your responsibility.
8. Tell someone, “God loves you.”
9. Smile at a stranger.
10. Leave an especially great tip for your server with an encouraging note.
11. Make a meal or a dessert for your neighbor.
12. Donate to someone’s mission trip.
13. Give an extra gift to your church.
14. Buy new toiletries, clothes or bedding and donate it to a women’s shelter.
15. Help stock up your local food pantry, and buy the good stuff!

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16. Start a discovery-based Bible study for friends who are un-churched.
17. Secretly give a grocery store gift card to a family that could use some help.
18. Volunteer at your church or a local organization in your community.
19. Sponsor a child through Compassion or another Christian aid group.
20. Fill a shoebox through Operation Christmas Child.
21. Ask someone how you can pray for them and do it on the spot.
22. Donate some school supplies to a classroom in a low-income area.
23. Send a Facebook message to a friend telling them you’re thinking of them.
24. Take a one-day painting class and donate your artwork to a homeless shelter.
25. Mow your neighbor’s lawn for free, no strings attached.
26. Send a care package to a member of the military.
27. Send a care package to a college student.
28. Think of a book that’s influenced your faith and send a copy to a friend.
29. Give out some iTunes gift cards to teenagers at your church.
30. Share your story of faith with someone you’ve built a relationship with. Invite that person to join you in making the best decision ever—choosing to follow Christ for life.


“Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat them and rust destroys them, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where moths and rust cannot destroy, and thieves do not break in and steal. Wherever your treasure is, there the desires of your heart will also be.” Matthew 6:19-21, NLT


About Kristy Etheridge

Kristy Etheridge is a regular contributor to the FaithWorks Financial blog. Having racked up a large amount of debt before using a biblical approach to attack it, Kristy is passionate about financial freedom. She and her husband live in Charlotte, N.C., where Kristy works as a writer for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.