27Feb 2025
Lord's prayer, prayer for debt, forgive us our debts

Estimated reading time: 8 minutes

When Jesus taught us to pray, “Forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors” in the Lord’s Prayer, what did He mean? Some translations use the word trespasses, while others say sins. Yet, the word debts—used in Matthew 6:12 of the King James Version—is intentional. It carrys both a financial and spiritual meaning, illustrating how our Heavenly Father calls us to experience both debt forgiveness and spiritual forgiveness.

Christian money management isn’t just about balancing a budget; it’s about aligning our finances with God’s will. From the Old Testament’s seventh-year debt release to Jesus’ teachings on generosity and forgiveness, the Bible isn’t quiet on the topic of managing money in a way that honors God.

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27Feb 2025
tiles reading 'take your time'

You check your credit report, and there it is—that charge-off the collector threatened. Your first instinct? Pay it off as soon as possible to make it disappear. But hold on. Pump the brakes. The truth is, there are several reasons why you should never pay a charge off hastily. While paying a charge-off might seem like the responsible thing to do, it’s not always the best move.

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21Feb 2025
vintage calculator representing old fashioned budgeting

Estimated reading time: 7 minutes

The term “budget” gets tossed around a lot. 

A budget can be simple or complex. It should reflect our income and our expenses, and it should be honest.

Sometimes we’re so focused on our valuables that our budget neglects to reflect our values.

Instead of merely creating a financial budget, let’s instead consider keeping God first and creating a Christian budget.

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21Feb 2025
Is it bad to cancel a credit card? Be informed and keep a balance between faith and finance.

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Have you ever wondered if canceling a credit card is a wise financial move—or if it could bring unexpected difficulties to your financial future? Maybe you’ve had a credit card for years, but now you’re wondering—should I cancel it to avoid temptation? Or will closing it hurt my credit? These are real concerns for many Christians who want to honor God with their finances.

We’re called to be good stewards of our resources, but navigating the world of credit scores, debt, and financial responsibility in a way that honors this calling isn’t always obvious.

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