Marriage is the beginning of a new life and it is also one of the holiest of human social practices. Marriage was instituted by God in the Garden of Eden. However, we must be careful not to confuse “marriage” with “weddings.” Weddings are largely the invention of man, and each culture has its own set of socially approved practices in order to transport one man and one woman into the joined state of marriage. No matter what your culture or even your religious views, one thing remains the same about weddings for everyone; they cost money. In most cases a great deal of money.
Many couples make the choice to begin their married lives together by going into their first huge debt together for the sole purpose of having an extravagant wedding. This is dangerous on many levels. You will set several precedents with your wedding. You will be presenting to your new spouse what kind of spender you will be in married life. You are also setting the groundwork for how the two of you will interact with one another on money issues. You will quickly be able to pinpoint who is the spender and who is the saver. This is a great time to evaluate if the two of you are on the same page.
Choosing to conduct a modestly priced wedding will do a lot for you as a couple. You will obviously save some money, and as many couples have learned the hard way, there are a lot of expenses involved in starting your lives together beyond the ceremony and reception. It will also be a very important exercise in self-control, for both bride and groom. If you can control your spending urges during a wedding, you can control them under almost any circumstances.
Know What is Important
The first step in affordable wedding planning is to understand which part of the wedding is the most important to you as a couple. Is it most important to have amazing clothes, or is it most important to be able to invite as many of your friends and family as possible? You may not be able to do both and stay within a reasonable budget. Do not rush this step. Talk and discuss the issue for as long as you need to until both bride and groom have come to an understanding on the wedding priorities.
Small Bridal Parties
Rather than trying to fill a particular number in your bridal party, choose individuals who are really, truly special to you. Many brides think they must have a certain number of bridesmaids and therefore pay for clothes and gifts for each of these girls. It would be far better to focus your attention and money on one or two precious friends than a whole crew you are just picking randomly to fill a number.
Kill Two Birds with One Bouquet
Having your ceremony and reception at the same venue will usually save you a lot of money, not to mention a lot of confusion and travel arrangements. Trying to shuffle all of your wedding guests from one location to another can be an expensive pain in the neck.
Homemade is Not Tacky
Do not let your pride hinder your wedding plans. There are a lot of great homemade ideas that can be quite beautiful and affordable at the same time. Everything from flower arrangements to catering can be done when friends and family pitch in their talents and time to help you out. Do not be afraid to ask for help. Most people will not see this as an inconvenience, but rather an honor that you want them involved.
The debt disasters that many couples have found themselves in often begin with outrageous weddings that had to be financed. These couples will often find themselves seeking help from a Christian debt settlement program within just a few years. Avoiding this problem from the beginning is always best. It is also a good idea for engaged couples to attempt to get their own personal debt under control before their wedding so that they do not go into marriage dragging their debt baggage with them. A Christian debt management program can help you get that personal debt out of the way before your big day.
If you are reading this because you are close to your “big day,” or thinking about “tying the knot,” but you and your soon-to-be spouse have debt, why not look into a solution for it now. It will only take a second! Fill out the short form to the right for a FREE no-obligation quote today! Get your debt under control before your big day! Oh, and Congratulations from all of us here at, FaithWorks Financial if you are indeed getting ready to tie the knot.