Biblical Perspective

10Feb 2014

When you’re deep in debt and struggling to pay the bills, it’s easy to feel like everyone else is doing better than you.

Just flip through the channels on any given night, and a sense of pride or self-pity will seem completely justified. The cunning marketing campaigns seek to drown out reality: “You’re worth it. It’s your turn. You deserve this.” Even if you can’t afford it.

During the last few years, in the wake of the 2008 recession, the slogan, “We are the 99 percent” has practically become a household phrase. Members of the Occupy movement adopted it as a rallying cry to draw attention to the large concentration of wealth among the top 1 percent of income earners in the United States.99 percent signs

They’re correct in saying that the wealthiest Americans control a huge piece of the pie, but they’re missing the bigger picture— the global picture.

Here’s the Truth

If you’re living in the United States with a roof over your head, food on the table, and you can read this sentence, you are not the 99 percent.

In fact, there’s a good chance you are actually the 1 percent.

A London-based digital marketing company created an eye-opening project called the Global Rich List. It allows you to see where your wealth ranks you among the world population. According to the Global Rich List, if you make at least $33,000 a year, you’re in the top 1 percent. You are one of the richest people on earth.

Maybe you don’t make that much money. In fact, maybe you make less than half that amount. Guess what? With a $15,000 salary and no benefits, you still make the top 8 percent.

If it’s still not sinking in, here are some quick facts via Compassion:

  • If your lights turn on when you flip the switch, you’re more fortunate than 1.6 billion people worldwide who don’t have electricity.
  • If you have access to adequate sanitation, you’re better off than about two-fifths of the world.
  • If you turn on the faucet and clean water comes out, you’re taking part in a luxury that 12 percent of the population just can’t afford.

  • When envy creeps into your mind as your neighbor shows off his new car, or your friend shows up in yet another new outfit, it’s easy to forget that 1.4 billion people live on $1.25 a day or less (visualize that number through the World Bank’s interactive map).

    Of course, just knowing how fortunate you are on a global scale isn’t enough. Thankfulness is a decision, and it’s one we must make on a daily basis.

    King Solomon knew what he was talking about when he wrote, “Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless.” (Ecclesiastes 5:10, NIV).

    If we aren’t careful, we’ll go through life constantly wanting and never satisfied. But for those who follow Christ, there is always a reason to be thankful. And there is always a way out when envy, pride or greed starts to creep in.

    Hebrews 13:5 says, “Keep your life free from love of money, and be content with what you have, for he has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you” (ESV).

    The Message puts it this way: “Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things.”

    It can be an uphill battle living in America and pushing back against the consumerism that lurks around every corner, but God calls His people to a higher standard.

    Remember, “religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world” (James 1:27, NIV).

    We are not the 99 percent. God has trusted us with a lot. Let’s strive to be faithful with every dollar.

    09Jan 2014

    The Christian life is one of sacrifice in its very nature. Our entire religion is based on the sacrifice that Christ himself made. Throughout the New Testament we are urged to sacrifice; sacrifice our selfish desires for Godly desires, sacrifice our evil pleasures for holy pleasures, and yes sometimes even to sacrifice our money.

    There are folks who would say, “God doesn’t need my money, so I’ll just keep it for myself.” True, God Himself does not need money, but money is and always has been a magnifying glass that can reveal an individual’s heart pretty quick. Money in the hands of an evil man can empower that man to do greater evil. While money in the hands of a good man can empower that man to do greater good. Money does not cause people to be good or bad it is just one way that their goodness or badness is revealed to the rest of the world.

    This is why Jesus told the rich young ruler in Mark 10 to go sell everything he owned and give it to the poor. Not only would this help the poor, but also reveal what was really in the young man’s heart. The young man chose to keep his money rather than help the poor and follow Christ. The money was just a peep hole into his soul.

    When you feel the internal push to make a financial sacrifice the first emotion that wells up in you is an indicator of what state your heart is in. Here are a few areas in which we are most commonly asked to sacrifice financially.


    Passing Collection PlateThe tithe may be an Old Testament idea but the logic never grows old. Even if God does not need money, a church must have money to operate. When you are a member or attendant of a church, you are benefiting from that church each time you visit. You get spiritual help from the pastor who needs to be financially compensated for his time and efforts. You are being warmed or cooled by the heating and air system which must be paid for monthly. You are reading your bible because of the electricity which must also be paid for. You use the facilities which also cost money. The church is there to be a blessing to the congregation, and the congregation has an obligation to contribute financially so that the church can continue to be a blessing to the community.

    Personal Giving

    There is no systematic rules for personal giving like there might be for tithing. Personal giving is just that, personal. The key to personal giving is to be tuned in spiritually to the needs of those around you. We all know what it feels like to be nudged into action internally. When you feel that nudge, your own personal desires should be put on hold for the good of the one in need.

    If you feel as if you never have money available to help others, sit down and do a really honest evaluation of your spending. If you find you have more going out than coming in, you may want to speak with an advisor about Christian debt relief programs that can help you improve your financial situation so you can give more.

    As you look through your budget, try to find one thing you or your family do that is unnecessary. It could be monthly movie rentals, or office coffee runs. Saving up that money, even for just one month can be contributed to a worthy cause. Start a change can for a missionary, cash it out monthly then send the gift with a letter of encouragement. Even these small acts of sacrifice are pillars of Christian money management and make a difference and feed your spirit.

    Personal Finances

    There is a good amount of sacrifice that must go into reinventing your finances. A household drowning in debt and stress does not glorify God. A budget so strapped with debt payments that tithing and personal giving goes out the window does not glorify God. In order to turn that situation around an individual must buckle down and sacrifice some of the loose spending habits, feelings of entitlement and sometimes even a few possessions in order to accomplish this goal.

    When we take the time to conduct a true and honest evaluation of our spending we will often find that we have a greater capacity for giving than we may have thought. If you find room in your budget for giving but have a difficult time actually giving the money away, spend some time in prayer to find out why. It may be insecurity, it may be greed, or it may be something else. No matter the reason, it is an opportunity for spiritual growth.

    06Jan 2014

    If you live in your average American community, it is easy to miss seeing the struggles of others in areas where money and resources are scarce. In poor countries, and even right here at home, a few dollars can have a tremendous impact on the lives of the needy.

    Looking at money from this perspective allows you to better manage your finances and apply Christian principles to your budgeting.

    How much can a few dollars do?

    To help put things in perspective, we found a few Christian charities that provide examples of how a small donation can make a big difference in the lives of recipients. A different outlook can show you the real value of money.

      $10- The cost of two specialty coffees

      Give a homeless child a full day of meals.- Covenant House

      $13- A trip through the drive through

      Help support a child in poverty for an entire week.- Compassion

      $16- The price of an average t-shirt

      Provide a hygiene kit to a needy individual.- World Vision

      $20- Going to the theater for a date

       Provide two mosquito bed nets and help prevent disease in poverty stricken areas.- Compassion

      $35– “That cool new Chomecast thing”

      Provide bedding for homeless children and teens.- Covenant House

      Giveing With A Grateful Heart

      $54- The monthly gym membership you aren’t using

      Feed a family in America for three days. World Vision

      $67- The cost of a new video game

      Buy a share of a bakery cart in Bolivia, which helps those in need start a business and build a livelihood.- ChildFund International

      $137- The expense of a single day at a theme park

       Help impoverished mothers get small business loans. ChildFund International

      Using Our Blessings

      When we take the time to plan our finances, we can reduce impulse purchases that not only save money, but also give to charity. I know that much of the money I spend would be put to much better use elsewhere.

      Somewhere along the line we got our priorities mixed up. We make unnecessary purchases without though or consequence. For someone struggling to acquire food and shelter, small amounts of money make a big difference.

      Whether the funds go to hungry children or homeless teens, every dollar counts. Keeping the real value of money in perspective shows just how better off we would be putting that money elsewhere.


    17Dec 2013
    A Biblical perspective of the Tear of Jubilee.

    Modern society makes it easy to retain debt, but the Bible is clear on the subject. Romans 13:8 says we should “Let no debt remain outstanding…” Although it sounds simple, we all know that tackling the debts that build up in the form of a mortgage, car payments, student loans and credit cards can be incredibly challenging. Fortunately, the Bible provides guidance on the topic of Christian debt management.

    Borrow Wisely

    When it is sometimes necessary to borrow money, it should not be done carelessly or on a whim, and we should be sure to use the funds wisely.

    In 2 Kings 4:1-6, the Bible tells the story of a widow who was facing the loss of her children to slavery. She needed money, but the only solution available was borrowing jars from her neighbors.

    Although the woman borrowed jars from others, the result was enough income to repay her debts to the creditors and protect her children. The Bible tells us to avoid debt whenever it is possible, but recognizes that sometimes it is not possible to avoid debt.

    The key lesson is that it is important to apply wisdom to each transaction. Borrow only with the purpose of investing in the future, such as taking a student loan to pay for the education that will provide the opportunity to avoid debt in the future, or an investment in a home that will provide shelter for your family.

    Repay the Debts Promptly

    Bible Proverbs

    “The borrower is slave to the lender” Proverbs 22:7

    Whenever it is not possible to avoid debt, it is important to repay the funds promptly. Just because you opted for a 30 year mortgage does not mean you must take 30 years to pay it off. Not only will you have the burden of debt lifted sooner, you can also save quite a bit of money as well.

    Keep Trying

    “sluggards do not plow in season; so at harvest time they look but find nothing.” Proverbs 20:4

    When it comes to Christian debt management, a key tip that the Bible provides is that it is important to keep trying and working hard. Even if you have fallen behind on your debts, it is important that you make every effort to get back on track by working directly with your creditors and lenders.

    If this doesn’t work, speak with a one of our advisors for a free consultation to see if you might qualify for any programs to help you regain control of your finances.

    06Dec 2013

    Whether you are on solid financial footing and give regularly, or are struggling just to put food on the table, it is important to review your giving. The key to good Christian financial planning is balance and a grateful heart. Setting giving goals that are both practical and generous requires you to take a step back and look at your money habits.

    Analyze your Budget

    Start by figuring out what you can afford to give regularly. Though the traditional tithe is 10% of your income, there is no reason that you should not give to your full capacity, whether it be above or below that amount. Each person must come up with a figure based on his or her budget. Look for areas you can cut back. For example, if you budget 50 dollars a week for restaurant meals, consider eating at home more and then donating half that number.

    Give It before You Miss It

    The book of Matthew offers a bit of wisdom in this matter.

    Chapter 6: 3-4: “But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.“Giveing With A Grateful Heart

    Sometimes giving more requires a little slight of hand. Start with your employer. Ask about setting up charity donations deducted right from your paycheck. This is an effective way to track your giving for tax purposes, as well. It also encourages others to follow your lead. Your employer might even decide to match any donations – doubling the offering.

    Look for charities that will automatically withdraw the funds from your bank account. This gives you the pleasure of seeing the payment go out without having decide how much to give each month.

    Think Outside of the Box

    If your budget is as tight as you can make it, then look for other ways to give.

    Learn to super coupon – Couponing is not only a great way to save money, but can also be an awesome opportunity to help the less fortunate. Consider hosting a food drive in which all of the items have to be the product of a coupon deal. See who can provide the most (usable!) items at the lowest cost and award a small prize.

    Give time instead of money – Giving doesn’t have to be monetary. Check at your church for volunteer and missionary opportunities. Call the local shelter, food bank or kitchen to see if you can lend a hand. Giving time allows you to help people in your community and make friends in the process.

    Give as a family – Create activities that your whole family can do to such as collecting cans to recycle or setting up food drives two or three times a year.

    Deuteronomy 16:17: “Each of you must bring a gift in proportion to the way the Lord your God has blessed you.”

    In other words, if you cannot afford the traditional 10% tithe at this time, give what you can afford by setting achievable goals. With prayerful consideration and practical budgeting, you can enrich your life while helping others.

    03Dec 2013

    While you probably strive to give all throughout the year, the Christmas season provides a wonderful opportunity to expand on your financial giving. By planning ahead, you can enjoy the blessing of giving even more this Christmas season by helping others in need.

    There are many ways in which you can help others through your financial giving this Christmas season. Here are a few opportunities for you to give more this Christmas.

    Adopt a Family

    Christmas Bell

    Last year, we spoke with our church and asked if they knew of a family in need. They were able to facilitate our “adopting” a family anonymously so that we did not need to know who it was that was having difficulties, and they did not need to know who was helping them. It was a wonderful experience to be able to help someone out expecting not even a thank you in return.

    Donate a Dinner

    Your church or a local community service may be organizing programs to help struggling families enjoy a meal this Christmas. Taking part in a food drive is an excellent way to help others even if you are in the midst of a Christian debt consolidation program. Even if you cannot afford to pick up some extra food at the grocery store and cannot find any food to offer from your own cabinets, offering your time at the food drive is often the most helpful thing you can do.

    Support a Charity

    You can also consider giving financially to your favorite charity, missionaries, orphanage, homeless shelter or other worthy cause. In today’s difficult economic times, there are multitudes of people in need. Your giving can make a marked difference in the lives of others and have a positive effect on their future.

    Give the Gift of Charity

    Just can’t figure out what to get for that one family member? Consider supporting a cause that is dear to them. This is a great way to truly embody the spirit of Christmas giving, and they will probably appreciate that you are supporting something that is meaningful to them.

    Maintain Your Budget

    By having financial goals, you can maintain a more Biblical financial perspective. Your future objectives may include saving money for your children’s higher education, investing in a new home, buying a new car, expanding your business, etc. Maintaining your budget through the Christmas season can be difficult, especially considering all of the media hype and the ad-frenzy that is poured upon us. Maintaining your perspective in spite of the hype is a part of a Christian’s financial responsibility.

    Christmas is a time that we should view as an opportunity to extend our giving above and beyond our normal tithe so that we can share the Christmas spirit with others. As the year comes to a close, it’s always a good idea to incorporate giving into your Christian budget in preparation for Christmas.

    Merry Christmas!

    18Nov 2013

    Managing your personal finances isn’t always a simple thing to do. Whether you are trying to pay off a credit card debts, resolve your federal student loans, or save for retirement, it can be hard to know where to start. There are countless websites and television programs discussing the topic, many of which contradict each other. When trying to decide where to start your Christian debt management journey, it is important to remember the greatest tool of all when seeking advice, His word.Bible Open

    “Suppose one of you wants to build a tower. Won’t you first sit down and estimate the cost to see if you have enough money to complete it?”– Luke 14:28

    Take the time to lay your debt all out on the table and budget accordingly. Know when you can count on income coming into the home, and know when all of your payments are due. Are there any due dates that you can request be changed to a different time of the month? You’d be surprised to see what you can work out with a payment department when you simply ask for help.

    “The rich rule over the poor and the borrower is slave to the lender.”– Proverbs 22:7

    No one wants to feel as if they are a slave to their debt. To make yourself feel as in control of your finances as possible you need to have a plan of action to resolve your debts. That plan of action might start with calling credit card companies to request a lower rate. Maybe your situation is past that, and you should consider a Christian debt settlement program through FaithWorks Financial. No matter how you do it, take control of your finances and don’t let yourself and your family become a slave to the lender.

    “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” Matthew 7:7

    In order to avoid losing control of your finances it is a good idea to seek out help from a Christian credit counselor. For many Christian Americans the last thing you want to do is file for bankruptcy. If you are feeling too overwhelmed and need to seek outside help you should do so. You may be able to get a referral from your pastor or other church leaders for help with Christian debt counseling, or you can request a free consultation with a Christian Debt Advisor at FaithWorks Financial.

    “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”– Jeremiah 26:11

    Regardless as to how grim your situation may seem at the moment, you can be confident in knowing that God has a plan for you. Your current financial situation may be difficult or frustrating, but much peace can be found in knowing that your burdens have meaning. The Lord wants you to have a bright and happy future without the limitations of debt. If you follow His word and have a plan of action you will be able to conquer any obstacle.

    22Oct 2013

    “Pride goes before destruction, a haughty spirit before a fall.” Proverbs 16:18

    There is no denying that people spend beyond their means for a lot of reasons. Sometimes it can be unintentional- unexpected medical expenses a reduction in income can lead to speaking beyond your means by no inherent fault of your own. Looking beyond those unintentional reasons though, one of the most common and detrimental reasons both financially and spiritually is when an individual is a prideful spender.

    Pride is a sin and can really put the brakes on your spiritual life. Nowhere can pride be more easily seen than in our financial lives. Sometimes it is hard for us to see our prideful spending though. Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you have an issue with prideful spending.

    Do I often purchase something only after seeing someone else with it?

    This is the most common type of prideful spending, the “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality. Many people in our society define themselves by their material possessions. Because of this, when we see someone else with something nicer we begin to judge ourself as being inferior to that person.

    We can combat this by taking to heart what Hebrews 13:5 shows us about where our true worth is, and it is not in our bank account. “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.” This verse perfectly contradicts the modern ideal that the more you have the better you are. If you begin a cycle of buying everything you see someone else have you will soon self-destruct financially. Claim your confidence in Christ, not in possessions.

    Do I give charitably in a way to be noticed?

    This is prideful spending very well disguised as charity. As with many things in life, we need to take a look at our motives. If you only participate in charitable giving when you are sure to be seen, or you always make sure that people know that you were the one bestowing a gift, your motives and your heart are in entirely the wrong place.

    Christianity is a generous religion. Luke 6:38 tells us, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”. However, if your motives are wrong, even a good action can become sinful. In fact Jesus rebuked the Pharisees in Matthew 6:1 for doing exactly that, “Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.”

    This can be resolved quite simply, by making a priority of giving anonymously. Do something for someone expecting nothing in return, not even a “thank you”. Do this by not even letting them know it was you who did the favor. In time you will grow spiritually when you humbly give of your resources.

    If you sense that the sin of pride could be what is throwing off your goal of becoming debt free, ask forgiveness and seek to spend and give in a way that honors Christ and not yourself. If your finances have gotten out of control as a result of prideful spending, or through no fault of your own, call 877-232-5109 to speak with one of our Christian debt relief specialists today.

    26Sep 2013

    It is very well known that most people enjoy being around like-minded individuals. It provides common ground, shared interests, and a basis for expected values. This holds true in general peer-to-peer relationships as well as in business relationships.

    As a Christian, it is great to be afforded the opportunity to find companies that have the same values as you. In some instances, it just doesn’t make sense to seek out a Christian company. Though it is always great to support a Christian company, whether or not the company who makes your coffee table claims to be a Christian company is not going to have much of an impact on your experience as a consumer. Other times though, it can totally transform your experience.

    Here are 4 instances where seeking a Christian company makes sense.

    Christian Daycare

    Where you send your young children to school is a huge decision. These are the folks who are going to be giving your child their first regular social interactions. It is great to know that not only do the teachers/caretakers have similar beliefs and values to you, but the other children are probably being raised in a similar manner to yours.

    Christian Counseling Services

    Life get’s tough, and sometimes it is helpful to seek professional counseling to help us navigate those difficulties. For Christians, it can be incredibly helpful if the person who is helping you try to find the needed direction in your life is also seeking His guidance. Having biblical references accompany clinical suggestions can make the appointments doubly effective.

    HandshakeChristian Real Estate Agent

    Buying a home is a huge deal, and while this one may not hold quite as much weight as the others, it can be very helpful to work with a Christian Real Estate Agent. For most people, their home will be the biggest purchase they make in their lifetime. It gives a great deal of peace of mind to know that you are working with someone who lives their life in accordance with Christian principals.

    Christian Debt Relief Company

    If you are struggling with your finances, a Christian Debt Relief company can help you to put you on track to reach your financial goals. Many debt relief programs are long-term and often last 3-7 years. Since you will be working so closely with the company and it’s financial advisors, it is very helpful for them to share your values and principles. Plus, handling your finances according to Biblical principals– such as including a tithe in your budget– is not always in line with suggestions made by non-Christian companies. When working with a Christian company you know that your counselor not only understands where you are coming from but even approves of it!

    While we cannot help you with the first three, if you are in need of financial guidance and would like to work with a Christian company, please take a moment to speak with one of our Advisors for a free consultation.

    Seeking out a Christian company does not always make sense in todays world. The more important the decision is though, the bigger of a factor it becomes.

    23Sep 2013

    “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and we can take nothing out of it. But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that. Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction. For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”
    1 Timothy 6:6-10

    There are many reasons individuals find themselves in the midst of financial difficulties. Some of these reasons are unavoidable such as medical expenses from an illness or a job loss. However, oftentimes financial difficulties are the result of some poor choices made along the way.

    At the root of these poor choices, discontentment is often found. After all, the desire to have a nicer car, bigger house, more advanced degree, nicer or longer vacations, better clothes or to live in a nicer area very often stem from discontentment with a current life station. Discontentment can very easily lead to the accumulation of excess debt, and eventually financial hardship.

    Several years ago, a study stated that Americans who made $25,000 yearly felt they needed at least $54,000 to attain their American dream while individuals who made $100,000 felt it would take at least $192,000. The interesting point about these numbers is that each group of individuals felt it would take almost twice as much money as they were currently receiving in order for them to reach their financial goals. In other words, no matter how much money a person made, they felt they needed more to be content. While this story is a few years old, the message is still valid today.

    Here are a few actionable suggestions on how to become financially content:

    Lower your expectations

    Unrealistic expectations set yourself up for disappointment and failure. Be reasonable with your goals and work hard to achieve them.

    Image credit

    Image credit

    Help Others

    Few things are more meaningful than helping someone in a time of need. Whether it be something as simple as lending an ear or something much more, getting outside of ourselves and our circumstances will almost always lead to renewed gratitude. This is one we can learn from the Pope.

    Trust God

    “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength.”- Philippians 4:11-13

    This verse shows what God desires we understand about contentment. He teaches in His word that we should strive to be content with our situation in life. Does this mean we cannot strive to better our circumstances and work to move up in the world, or should never own anything nice? No, this simply means that God wants us to only acquire what we can afford and to be pleased with what gifts we have been given.

    If you are finding that you are overwhelmed with obligations from your past discontentment, you may want to seek help through the FaithWorks Financial Christian debt management programs. Once you have gotten out of debt, you can then strive toward living a financially content life.