Biblical Perspective

18Dec 2012

As Christians, the Bible is our “life guide” – offering advice and instruction on everything from how we treat others to how we should try to live our lives.

But did you know that the Bible contains over 2,000 scriptures that expressly cover how we should deal with and manage money?

Today I’d like to take a look at a specific verse – Romans 13:8 which says; “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

I find the first part of that scripture – “Owe nothing to anyone.” – particularly important.

Why? Because when we accumulate excessive debt, our focus tends to turn away from God and toward money and ourselves.

We start to think less about God and less about how we can become the men and women he desires us to be and more about how we can acquire more money.

If not careful, we can become obsessed with money to the point where it interferes with our personal relationships, our work performance and even our level of happiness.

Our lives may become filled with stress and a general sense of failure. We may lose sight of God and begin to feel all alone in the world.

That’s why it’s important to strive to “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

So if you have accumulated excessive debt, perhaps it’s time to get out from under its heavy weight and begin to regain your life and your focus on God.

Take the first step. Speak with a Christian Debt Advisor and learn about the debt relief options that are available to you.

Remember…you can be debt free. You can have a happier and more relaxed life.