Christian Debt Relief

06Sep 2013

Massive student loan debt seems like a fate etched in stone for college graduates everywhere. It can take several years, even with a high-paying job, to eliminate student loan debt. Some post-graduates find themselves wondering if the cost of their education was even worth the effort. The good news is making slow and steady repayments is not the only solution. Many people do not realize that volunteering can also erase student loan debt.

Many organizations will eliminate a portion of student loan debt to college graduates who volunteer their time and talents for a specified period of time. The spirit of volunteering aligns with basic Christian debt management principles. Serving others to erase debt shows an outward commitment to imitate the deeds of Christ. This is a great way to help others and do good in our world, while getting some assistance with those student loan obligations.
The following organizations offer student loan debt relief through volunteer opportunities. Please note that their programs may change overtime, so we cannot guarantee accuracy of the following statements. We have provided links to each though, so feel free to review the organizations direct website for more information.

Peace Corps

As a volunteer program run by the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps sends volunteers to more than 70 nations. Volunteers work worldwide to improve education, agriculture, business and reduce hunger and poverty. Peace Corps volunteers are trained for three months and serve for a minimum of 24 months. The Peace Corps will repay up to 70 percent of qualifying student loans, depending on your length of service as a volunteer.

National Guard

Serving in the armed forces can also reduce the burden felt from student loan debt. College graduates may be eligible to receive up to $10,000 in student loan repayment in the Army National Guard. The Air National Guard has a similar student loan reimbursement program in place for college graduates. These programs can vary depending on the terms of recruitment, so it is a good idea to check with your local National Guard recruitment offices for more information.

AmeriCorps VISTA

A domestic version of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps VISTA is dedicated to assisting nonprofit and faith-based organizations in helping low income individuals and communities eradicate hunger, homelessness, poverty and illiteracy. At the time of this writing, for a full year of service volunteers receive $4,725 to be applied toward student loans. In return, volunteers are expected to commit to 1,700 hours of community service.

Medical service

Added medical or nursing school debt can make repaying student loans more difficult. The good news is multiple options are available for new doctors and nurse to get out from under this burden. Many programs offer debt repayment for practicing in places lacking adequate medical care. Some agencies, such as the U.S. National Institute of Health, will repay up to $35,000 on student loans for doctors and nurses they employ.

If dedicating a long period of time to volunteer work is not an option but you are still overwhelmed with student loan debt, a Federal Student Loan Consolidation through FaithWorks Financial may provide you with the student loan relief you are in need of. Call us today at 877-232-5109 or fill out the short form to the right for a FREE consultation to help you find your best option.

20Aug 2013

“Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s; and unto God the things that are God’s.” — Matthew 22: 20-22

Jesus gave this oft-quoted response when asked by church officials whether he felt his followers should have to pay the Roman tax. The questioners were seeking to trap Jesus and arrest him, yet they walked away satisfied with the answer.

In today’s complex financial world, it’s difficult sometimes to keep our wits about us when faced with bill collectors and demands for payment. Sometimes, we don’t even remember or understand the debt the caller wants to discuss. When it comes to debt collection phone calls, it is all too easy to respond in a less-than-Christian and less-than-responsible way.

Here are a few tips on how to handle bill collectors in a Christian manner.

1. Pick up The Phone and Make Responsible ArrangementsMan on phone
Speaking with a bill collector is very unfamiliar territory for most. For this reason, the first reaction to a known bill collector is often to avoid the call. However, it is important to face the matter head on.

When overwhelmed and put on the spot, it is very easy to promise a bill collector more than you can afford. You want to fulfill your obligation, and you probably want to get the person to stop calling. However, you don’t want to jeopardize your other financial obligations by agreeing to more than you can truly afford. A better solution is to disassociate yourself from the emotions of the phone call, call the collector back after you’ve had time to make a budget, and work out a solution that will be satisfying to both the collector as well as your finances.

2. Be Polite
Bill collectors can bring out bad behavior in many of us. After all, not having enough to pay what you owe is frustrating in itself, let alone with an aggressive stranger letting reminding you of the shortcoming. However, it is important to remember that the person on the other end of the phone is someone like you, just trying to earn money to house, clothe and feed his or her family. Even if the person is rude to you, the proper Christian response is to “turn the other cheek” and end the call politely.

3. Educate yourself
If this is a new situation to you, as it is for most people, it may be helpful to educate yourself on the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The collection industry is very regulated and knowing your rights can be very empowering and prevent you from being taken advantage of.

4. Ask For Help
If, despite all of your efforts, you are unable to make reasonable arrangements with the bill collector don not just let it build up on you- ask for help. The Christian Debt Relief programs offered by FaithWorks Financial can help you get your accounts back on track, or settled entirely, so that you can put the situation behind you and move on to rebuild your financial house.

To learn more about how FaithWorks Financial can help you on the road to financial freedom, fill out the short form on the right or call us at 877-232-5109. We are a Christian debt relief agency and we share your Christian views.

05Aug 2013

Debt is a distraction that prevents Christian men and women from focusing on giving glory to God and thanking Him for the blessings He has provided. For a Christian, different concerns arise from debt because it causes the mind to focus on problems related to paying back loans and getting the situation under control rather than trusting in Christ.

Eliminating the distraction of debt is not a complicated process, but it may require professional debt help to make appropriate changes based on your personal situation.

What the Bible Says About Debt

The Bible is clear about the problems that come with Christian debt. According to the Proverbs 22:7 in the New International Version of the Bible, “The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” The statement is clear: if you owe money, then you are a slave.

When it is not possible to avoid debt, such as taking on student loans to pay for an education or using credit cards to pay for groceries after losing a job, it is important to find appropriate solutions that make it possible to pay all or part of the loan.

According to Psalm 37:21 in the New International Version of the Bible, “The wicked borrow and do not repay…”. Drastic solutions such as bankruptcy should be avoided, pursuing all alternative options first.

God says in the Bible that borrowers are slaves and refusing to repay a loan is wicked. When problems with debt develop, it is important to seek Christian debt relief from professionals who understand the Biblical perspective of debt as much as the problem of debt.

Debt Relief Through Consolidation

The goal of any Christian who is struggling with debt is repaying as much as possible so that the lender is no longer a distraction from the blessings that God gives. Since we ultimately want to pay back our debts, Christian debt consolidation can provide relief that allows you to repay the full amount of the loan.

Consolidation, or Credit Counseling, is a process that focuses on reducing interest rates so that it is easier to make monthly payments without sacrificing the needs of your family.

Depending on the type of debt, the process may vary slightly.

For example, student loan consolidation is specifically designed to combine all of the student loans into a single monthly payment with a low interest rate. Credit cards and other forms of debt are not included in the student loan consolidation process. A credit card consolidation is designed to help repay credit card loans.

Here is more information on Christian Credit Counseling and a Federal Student Loan Consolidation.

Is Debt Settlement an Option for Christians?

While the Bible clearly tells us to repay our debts, sometimes the loans get out of control and it is simply not possible to make the payments.

If you have reached a point where your credit card obligations are preventing you to otherwise provide for your family, bring to mind 1 Timothy 5:8 which states that “Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.” When your situation has reached this difficult point, Christian debt settlement is a solution that can help.

Debt settlement is a process that works through direct compromise with the lender. Your FaithWorks Financial Christian Debt Program Advisor will ask the lender to forgive a portion of the loan if borrowers pay a certain amount. Although you do not pay the full loan amount, it prevents you from filing bankruptcy and walking away from the obligation completely. In many instances you have already repaid the full amount that you charged, plus some interest, so it is not a tremendous loss to the lender.

Follow this link for more information on our Christian Debt Settlement Program.Happy couple Looking Right

Eliminating debt and paying off your loans will allow you to refocus on God’s goodness and mercy. Debt is a distraction, but realistic Christian solutions are available to help you rekindle your faith and find relief from financial worries.

If you are a Christian struggling with debt, fill out the short form to the right to learn how FaithWorks Financial can help you get on track to live a debt free life!

05Jul 2013

Student Loan Application
Regardless if you are a recent college graduate looking for work or you just moved into a dorm, it is important to for Christian’s to maintain perspective when it comes to debt management and Christian personal finance so you can honor God.

Let’s face it: student loans are a popular choice for students and families across America due to the rising cost of college tuition. Many Christians are anxious about obtaining student loans in order to pursue their dream of going to college, especially if they have to get more than one loan. You also may have concerns about getting a student loan if you think debt is frowned on or prohibited by the Bible.

At first glance, many Bible passages seem to condemn taking out loans. “The wicked borrow and do not repay, but the righteous give generously.” Psalm 37:21 is a popular verse that causes many to believe that all loans are wrong. Upon taking a further look at the verse it focuses on how important it is to honor your commitments and make timely payments when you owe money.

Another popular verse used to discourage getting into debt is the verse: “Give to everyone what you owe them: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor. Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law.” Romans 13:7-8. In this letter to the Romans, Paul is trying to promote the idea that we continually “owe” love to everyone.

There are many Bible verses that discuss the responsibility that comes with borrowing money, and that is what is important to keep the focus on. In todays society it is absolutely possible to live an entirely debt free life, though not without a great deal of prayerful diligence.

A huge population of students entering college are not in that fortunate situation. In many instances, student loans for Christians may be the only option for you to get a higher education if scholarships, grants, or work study opportunities are not available at your university.

Luckily, if you have already obtained your loans and are feeling pressure due to the monthly expense, a federal student loan consolidation can help lower your interest rates. Consolidated loans are a combination of many loans into a single one from one lender, ideally with a reduced interest rate. Sometimes it makes sense to even just consolidate one loan in order to reduce your student loan interest rate.

If you still have questions about how to consolidate your student loans, FaithWorks Financial can provide you with information and services that can help you manage your debt. Call us today at 877-232-5109 or fill out the short form to the right for a FREE consultation so we can help you find the best option for your situation.

11Jan 2013

The term “budget” gets tossed around a lot. 

A budget can be simple or complex. It should reflect our income and our expenses, and it should be honest. One thing that is often missing is that they do not always reflect our values. Instead of merely creating a financial budget, let’s instead consider keeping God first and creating a Christian budget.

When Christian financial concepts are important to your household, there are a few twists to conventional budget suggestions. Some things will hold true, too, of course.

Many people believe that they are using one even when they have never actually put it into practice. Implementing a budget is the best tool available to ensure financial security, whether for an individual, family, or business. Creating a budget does not just mean jotting down your bills and tossing the paper in a drawer, but conducting a thorough review of your income and expenses and then taking actions based on your findings.

Why Take the Time to Create a Christian-Minded Budget?

“Every prudent man acts out of knowledge”

Proverbs 13:16
Brick Wall

First things first— let’s understand why it is important to have a budget. Consider your budget to be the foundation of your financial home. Your budget is the groundwork for everything that you will be building on top of it. It will help you determine what you currently do with your money and, more importantly, what you should be doing with your money.

A good Christian budget will be like a solid foundation for a home. 

It should be confident and complete. No bricks should be leftover, and no empty spaces should remain. If you find that you have money left over, you will want to create a home for it in your budget.

Sometimes your new budget may show that you cannot cover your expenses or have credit card debt that has gotten out of hand. In this case, speak with a Christian Debt Advisor for a free professional consultation to learn about Christian debt relief programs that are available to you. 

How is a Christian Budget different?

“Honor the Lord with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops” Proverbs 3:9

Most budgets begin with your largest expense first. Generally, that would be your housing expense. On a Christian budget, we should place the tithe at the very top of the list. Even if there’s no chance of tithing while in debt, place that line item at the very top to keep everything in proper perspective. 

When we place God first, we can trust that the rest will fall in place as he intends. 

How Should A Christian Budget Should Look

The best budget is the one you will use

Here is where personal finance will become personal. I cannot tell you what budget to use or how it should look because your finances may be drastically different from the norm. I do always encourage simplicity! While I applaud high-level attention to detail, that can be tough to maintain in the long term. 

While your budget will be unique to your situation, there are some guidelines you can follow.

  • Use your preferred vehicle: Excel, Google Docs/Sheets, a pen and pad; anything that works for you is fine!
  • Expect it to evolve- add some padding to your savings if you can so that when unexpected expenses arise, you’re covered
  • Follow a template, like these provided by our friends at SeedTime
  • Consider the 10/45/25/20 framework
    • 10% of income is dedicated to tithing 
    • 45% is dedicated to needs (housing, food, etc.)
    • 25% is dedicated to wants
    • 20% is dedicated to savings and debt repayment

Plan and Persevere to Keep your Christian Budget Current

“May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.”

2 Thessalonians 3:4-6

spending budget savings

Once you understand the purpose of a budget, you should prepare for the tricky part- sticking to your plan!

Your new Christian budget will:

  • Guide how you spend your money.
  • Shed light on your financial blind spots. 
  • Set you up for a successful debt reduction plan. 
  • Bring peace to your financial situation.
  • Help you automate your savings.

When you have reached your weekly limit on eating out, but your friends invite you to a meal, you’ll learn just how dedicated you are to your budget. Suppose you’ve already spent the money set aside in your new Christian budget. In that case, determination and perseverance will keep you on target.

Allowing small cracks to form in that foundation now can result in an entire collapse in the future.

Stay Aware

“Know well the condition of your flocks, and give attention to your herds”

Proverbs 27:23

Magnifying Glass

A regular review is the final component in keeping your new Christian budget in tip-top shape. Life is ever-changing, and our finances change right along the way. If anything has changed in your life, update your budget immediately. Otherwise, take some time bi-monthly or quarterly to review your situation. This regular review will allow you to catch any trouble areas in advance so that you can keep from straying too far off course.

Creating and implementing an honest Christian budget will provide you with awareness of your financial situation that will pave the way for a stable and predictable future. It will allow you to see trouble coming months in advance so that you can prepare. You will be able to spend your money confidently, as you have prepared and anticipated every dollar that you spend.

Complete the simple form below for a free budget review and to explore Christian debt relief programs that will have you debt-free faster than you ever thought imaginable.

31Dec 2012

Arm Yourself Against Bill Collectors with the FDCPA

Through our experience in offering Christian Debt Relief programs, we have come to learn that whether you are in great financial shape or are up to your ears in debt, some things are universal. Most individuals that we speak with have heard the horror stories about harassing bill collectors. Bill collectors have been known to make incredibly outrageous statements in hopes of collecting on a past due account.

In hopes of putting an end to these unscrupulous collection methods, the Federal Trade Commission implemented the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, better known as the FDCPA. Knowing your rights as a consumer can help you to handle phone calls from bill collectors and give you the knowledge that can keep you from being the target of unethical and even illegal collection methods.

We aren’t attorneys and cannot offer legal advice, so use this as a jumping-off point and consult with an attorney if you feel your rights have been violated.

Here are a few of the basic protections offered by the FDCPA.

When and Where A Debt Collector May Call-

A debt collector should not make any phone calls prior to 8 AM or after 9 PM unless given prior permission by the debtor.

Also, a debt collector should no longer attempt to reach a debtor at their place of employment if they have been notified, whether it be through verbal or written notification, that their employer does not allow such communication.

Types of accounts that are covered by the FDCPA-

The FDCPA covers consumer debts such as credit cards, auto loans, medical bills and mortgages. The FDCPA does not cover business debts.

How to stop phone calls from bill collectors-

If a debtor provides a written request to cease communications the collection agency should cease all collection efforts aside from the following:
o Notification that collection efforts are being terminated
o Notification that the agency intends to take legal action

Statements that a debt collector cannot make-

A debt collector may not use or threaten to use violence or other criminal means to harm the debtor, their reputation or their property. Also, a debt collector may not use obscene or profane language.

One of the most common violations is the frequency of the phone calls. A debt collector may not call repeatedly or continuously with the intent to annoy or harass the debtor.

While the FDCPA has helped to promote ethical collection tactics, rouge bill collectors still use less than professional methods to collect past due debts. Knowing your rights as a debtor will allow you to stay armed and protected in the event that you are the subject of harassing collection efforts.

If you feel that your rights have been violated, please speak with one of our Christian Debt Relief specialists about a prepaid legal service offered by a third party company. You may qualify to be compensated up to $1,000 under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act.

18Dec 2012

When it comes to debt relief programs and ensuring a debt-free future, you have four main options available. How do you know which one is right for you?

Here’s a quick summary to help you make the best decision.

Debt Relief Option #1 – Debt Consolidation

While a common consideration for those with high credit card debt, debt consolidation offers some fairly significant disadvantages.

  1. Debt consolidation does not reduce the overall amount of your debt. With a debt consolidation loan you’ll still pay back 100% of your debt, plus interest. A debt consolidation loan basically transfers your credit card debt from one place to another.
  2. Debt consolidation loans are usually “secured” loans that cannot be lowered or negotiated. This could put your home, car, or other personal assets at risk in the event of default.
  3. Funds from the debt consolidation loan are used to pay off your credit card debt. For some people, having credit cards with zero or low balances is too much of a temptation. Before they know it, they’re back in the same position again with high credit card debt.

Do your research before you choose Debt Consolidation. It’s a decision you’ll be living with for many years to come.

Debt Relief Option #2 – Credit Counseling

Credit counseling organizations usually try to reduce the interest rates and fees associated with your debt. Like debt consolidation, though, credit counseling doesn’t actually reduce the amount you owe. You’re still responsible for 100% of your total balance.

Many people are also surprised to learn that credit counseling can actually cause your monthly payment to go up. If you’re looking for some immediate financial relief and want to have more money in your pocket for rent, food, tithing, and more, credit counseling may not be the best option for you.

Debt Relief Option #3 – Bankruptcy

Yes, bankruptcy will often eliminate all of your debts… but it also produces some significant negative consequences that you should be aware of.

  • The bankruptcy will show on your credit report for at least seven years
  • It will be much harder to obtain loans or other forms of credit in the future
  • The higher interest rates you pay as a result of filing bankruptcy may offset any gains you received from eliminating your debt
  • You’ll likely have unexpected attorney expenses due to laws that were recently enacted
  • A credit counseling course will be required within six months of filing bankruptcy…even if you have already taken one
  • Bankruptcy will stay on your court records for 20 years and could easily be uncovered when you apply for a job, a loan, or rent an apartment

In addition, bankruptcy has a social stigma that many people prefer to avoid. Think long and hard before choosing bankruptcy as a debt relief solution. In most cases, it should be your last choice.

Debt Relief Option #4 – Debt Settlement

The three previous debt relief solutions all have some fairly significant negative consequences to their use – from not reducing the overall amount of your debt to taking five years or more to get you out of debt to potentially increasing your monthly payments.

Debt settlement, though, offers some of the best features of the other methods and eliminates many of the negatives. That’s why we believe that debt settlement is a great choice for those looking to reduce or eliminate their debt.

With debt settlement you’ll:

  • Immediately lower your monthly payment
  • Reduce your credit card debt
  • Become debt-free in as little as 24 months
  • Pay no fees until your debt is reduced

Have more questions or want to learn more about the FaithWorks Financial debt settlement program? Visit our FAQ page or click here to receive a free consultation and quote from one of our friendly Christian Debt Advisors.

18Dec 2012

As Christians, the Bible is our “life guide” – offering advice and instruction on everything from how we treat others to how we should try to live our lives.

But did you know that the Bible contains over 2,000 scriptures that expressly cover how we should deal with and manage money?

Today I’d like to take a look at a specific verse – Romans 13:8 which says; “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

I find the first part of that scripture – “Owe nothing to anyone.” – particularly important.

Why? Because when we accumulate excessive debt, our focus tends to turn away from God and toward money and ourselves.

We start to think less about God and less about how we can become the men and women he desires us to be and more about how we can acquire more money.

If not careful, we can become obsessed with money to the point where it interferes with our personal relationships, our work performance and even our level of happiness.

Our lives may become filled with stress and a general sense of failure. We may lose sight of God and begin to feel all alone in the world.

That’s why it’s important to strive to “Owe nothing to anyone except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.”

So if you have accumulated excessive debt, perhaps it’s time to get out from under its heavy weight and begin to regain your life and your focus on God.

Take the first step. Speak with a Christian Debt Advisor and learn about the debt relief options that are available to you.

Remember…you can be debt free. You can have a happier and more relaxed life.

18Dec 2012

Finally…the hard work is done.

You’ve reviewed your debt relief options (including debt consolidation, credit counseling and bankruptcy) and have determined that debt settlement is the right choice for you.

Perhaps it was because you could get started for free. Or maybe you liked how quickly debt settlement could help you reduce your debt. In any event, it’s great to have the decision made.

Now what?

Well, you want to be sure to choose a debt settlement company that is right for your personal situation. Here are 7 quick tips for choosing a reputable debt settlement company.

  1. Make sure you select a company that follows FTC regulations. Unfortunately, there are some unscrupulous companies out there. The FTC recently stepped in to help protect consumers. You can also protect yourself by choosing an FTC-compliant company.
  2. Don’t pay any upfront fees. In fact, there should be no fees until your debt is reduced. FaithWorks Financial believes that you should ‘Get results first…pay fees later’. You’ll want to choose a company that has a similar philosophy.
  3. Avoid debt settlement companies that don’t offer a free consultation. The consultation will give you a window into how the company works and help you gauge how responsive their debt advisors are. You deserve to work with experts who will quickly respond to your questions and who put your wants and needs at the top of their priority list.
  4. During the free consultation make sure you ask the debt advisor if he or she is the person you will be working with throughout the debt settlement process. Many companies have sales teams that close the sale, leaving you to work with someone else for the duration of the program. At FaithWorks Financial we believe in developing a long-term partnership with our members. That is why we try to limit your communications to no more than two of our Advisors. You’re treated as an individual, not an account number. Your Christian Debt Advisor will take the time to learn about your unique circumstances and be with you through the entire process. This personalized approach can help you reduce your credit card debt even more and save you as much money as possible.
  5. Get as much upfront information as possible on how long the debt settlement process will take and how much it will cost. FTC guidelines require that these details be communicated to you…so don’t let a company beat around the bush!
  6. Make sure your funds are held at a third-party financial institution in an FDIC-insured escrow account. Avoid companies that ask you to send funds directly to them. It’s your money. You should have complete access and be able to make withdrawals at any time.
  7. Consider a Christian Company. Faith-based companies often take a more ethical approach to business and may be more likely to look out for your best interests.

Have questions or want to know more? Click here to receive a free quote and consultation.