Massive student loan debt seems like a fate etched in stone for college graduates everywhere. It can take several years, even with a high-paying job, to eliminate student loan debt. Some post-graduates find themselves wondering if the cost of their education was even worth the effort. The good news is making slow and steady repayments is not the only solution. Many people do not realize that volunteering can also erase student loan debt.
Many organizations will eliminate a portion of student loan debt to college graduates who volunteer their time and talents for a specified period of time. The spirit of volunteering aligns with basic Christian debt management principles. Serving others to erase debt shows an outward commitment to imitate the deeds of Christ. This is a great way to help others and do good in our world, while getting some assistance with those student loan obligations.
The following organizations offer student loan debt relief through volunteer opportunities. Please note that their programs may change overtime, so we cannot guarantee accuracy of the following statements. We have provided links to each though, so feel free to review the organizations direct website for more information.
Peace Corps
As a volunteer program run by the U.S. Government, the Peace Corps sends volunteers to more than 70 nations. Volunteers work worldwide to improve education, agriculture, business and reduce hunger and poverty. Peace Corps volunteers are trained for three months and serve for a minimum of 24 months. The Peace Corps will repay up to 70 percent of qualifying student loans, depending on your length of service as a volunteer.
National Guard
Serving in the armed forces can also reduce the burden felt from student loan debt. College graduates may be eligible to receive up to $10,000 in student loan repayment in the Army National Guard. The Air National Guard has a similar student loan reimbursement program in place for college graduates. These programs can vary depending on the terms of recruitment, so it is a good idea to check with your local National Guard recruitment offices for more information.
AmeriCorps VISTA
A domestic version of the Peace Corps, AmeriCorps VISTA is dedicated to assisting nonprofit and faith-based organizations in helping low income individuals and communities eradicate hunger, homelessness, poverty and illiteracy. At the time of this writing, for a full year of service volunteers receive $4,725 to be applied toward student loans. In return, volunteers are expected to commit to 1,700 hours of community service.
Medical service
Added medical or nursing school debt can make repaying student loans more difficult. The good news is multiple options are available for new doctors and nurse to get out from under this burden. Many programs offer debt repayment for practicing in places lacking adequate medical care. Some agencies, such as the U.S. National Institute of Health, will repay up to $35,000 on student loans for doctors and nurses they employ.
If dedicating a long period of time to volunteer work is not an option but you are still overwhelmed with student loan debt, a Federal Student Loan Consolidation through FaithWorks Financial may provide you with the student loan relief you are in need of. Call us today at 877-232-5109 or fill out the short form to the right for a FREE consultation to help you find your best option.