Christian Credit Counseling

Is Christian Credit Counseling Right for You?

Christian credit counseling

Credit counseling is a debt relief option that many people consider to help manage credit card debt. When you contact a credit counseling agency, you will have an opportunity to review your budget during a confidential consultation with a credit counselor. Working with a Christian credit counselor allows you to work with an advisor who understands and supports your values.

During your free consultation,, you will learn about personal money management and setting realistic, faith-driven goals. You may also create a debt management program that can help simplify the repayment of unsecured debt. Put together, the whole process aims to put you on a path to financial freedom.

To reduce your interest rates through a credit counseling program, simply fill out the form on this page!

How Credit Counseling Works

With credit counseling, all of your credit card payments are combined into one easy monthly payment. Each of your creditors will receive a payment every month through this program, with a reduced interest rate to help you reach financial freedom faster than making the minimum monthly payments alone. Most plans offer a 3 to 5-year pathway to financial freedom.

Benefits of Credit Counseling

Credit counseling can be a very effective way to reduce your interest rates and monthly payments. A credit counseling program will have you repaying the full credit card debt plus some interest, just not as much as you would otherwise pay.

The benefits of Christian credit counseling include:

  • No Need to Default: You don’t have to fall behind to qualify for this assistance.
  • Reduced Interest Rates: Lower interest rates means the principal is repaid faster.
  • Consolidate Payments: Make credit card debt manageable with one monthly payment.
  • No Collection Phone Calls: Creditors are paid every month, so you won’t have nuisance calls.
  • Lower Monthly Payments: Adjust your monthly payment to a manageable amount.
  • Debt-Free Plan: Follow a structured plan to become debt-free within 3 to 5 years.

Is Credit Counseling Right for You?

Wondering if credit counseling is the right option for you? Let’s consider a few scenarios.

Who Should Consider Christian Credit Counseling?

Credit counseling services are ideal for individuals who:

  • Have high-interest rates on their credit card debt.
  • Are struggling to keep up with making minimum payments.
  • Want to pay off their debt in a structured, manageable way.
  • Are looking for a debt relief solution aligned with Christian values.
  • Need guidance and support to create a realistic budget and financial plan.

What accounts don’t qualify?

Credit counseling services help you with your overall budget and can support you in that capacity no matter your debt type. However, when it comes to qualifying for services aimed at reducing interest rates, the credit counseling agency will likely be limited to assisting with credit card debt.

The following debt types usually do not qualify:

  • taxes
  • medical bills
  • personal loans
  • payday/installment loans
  • secured debt (mortgages and auto loans)

Programs for Other Unsecured Debt Types

If you have other types of unsecured debt, such as installment loans, payday loans, or medical bills, there are additional options available to you. Debt consolidation loans and debt settlement programs can be effective solutions for managing these types of debts.

Debt Consolidation Loans

A debt consolidation loan combines multiple debts into a single loan with one monthly payment. This can simplify your finances and often comes with a lower interest rate than your original debts. A debt consolidation loan can be a great option if your debt types don’t qualify for credit counseling and you can meet income and credit requirements.

Explore debt consolidation loan options. 

Debt Settlement Programs

Debt settlement programs negotiate with your creditors to reduce the total amount of debt you owe. This can be a viable option if you are struggling with high payments on various types of debt and need a more affordable monthly payment. It is best suited for people who have fallen behind on their payments or who feel they will inevitably fall behind in the near future.

If you’ve explored credit counseling and cannot qualify or are in need of an even lower monthly payment, debt settlement may be a better option for you.

Explore debt settlement programs. 

Lower Your Rates, Save Money & Solve Your Debt Today

Make sure you make the right decision when it comes to getting rid of your debt. You can find a credit counseling agency using this resource provided by the U.S. Department of Justice. Alternatively, speak with a FaithWorks Financial debt advisor to be connected with our network of Christian credit counselors across several non-profit partners that we’ve worked with for nearly a decade.

Complete a short form to request a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our knowledgeable Christian Debt Advisors.