Today is the a day that we celebrate our countries independence from Great Britain. We commemorate the signing of the Declaration of Independence. We celebrate our freedom.

It also happens to be a day that we make our biggest challenge (and our biggest offer) yet, but more on that below!

The Constitution of the United States of America on a wooden desOn a national level, today is a chance for us all to come together to appreciate the freedoms that we often take for granted. On a personal level, it is a few days to relax and enjoy fireworks, our friends and our families.

For some, it can also be a chance to take a look at whether we honestly feel free. Do we depend too much on other people? Do we depend too much on technology? And, of course my personal favorite, do we depend too much on credit cards?

I’m not saying that credit cards are bad and that using them means you are giving up your personal freedoms. However, I do believe that there is a line, and once it is crossed you become, in a sense, enslaved to your lender.

Personal finances are not black and white. Everyone has a different income, a different budget and different financial goals. Financial independence is no different.

Instead of saying that a certain amount of debt means you are depending too much on credit cards, let’s personalize it a bit. Let’s look at you and your world.

Here are 3 questions to ask yourself to know if you are financially independent:

Do your credit card balances cause you stress?

If it is not a concern, so long as ignorance is not bliss, you are probably in good shape. Most people will get a gut feeling that things are getting a bit out of hand long before it is too late.
If you are feeling the pressure from what you perceive to be a high amount of debt, you have already lost your financial freedom.

Do you rely on your credit card to get you through to the end of the month?

You don’t have to be deep in debt to be financially dependent. Even if you pay your credit card in full each month, you may be one missed payment away from full dependence.

Does your budget have more going toward credit card payments than personal savings?

If you aren’t paying yourself first, you have lost your independence.

Imagine how good it would feel if you could swap those budget lines. Imagine how freeing it would be to be building your personal wealth rather than paying off debt.

If any of these were answered with a yes, this Independence Day is the day to make a change.
Most of the time we talk about how to become debt free. Today is all about declaring your independence from debt.
Independence From Debt

If you request a debt relief consultation today, the Fourth of July, you will receive one fourth (25%) off of your programs fees should you enter into a Debt Settlement program with FaithWorks Financial.

Fill out the form on the left hand side of your screen to request your free consultation with a FaithWorks Financial advisor.

Happy Independence Day!

About Josh

Josh Richner is the founder of FaithWorks Financial and regular contributor to the FaithWorks Blog. Josh is a Christian, a husband and a father with an unremitting passion for personal and professional growth.