Family Funeral Planning
Funerals are certainly not a favorite topic for most people, but it is a necessary topic that should receive more adequate attention and planning. Funerals are an eminent part of our life, and although funerals are super charged with emotion, there is also a practical side to this difficult subject.
Ignoring is Costly
To avoid the topic of funeral planning can be very costly for families. According to the Federal Trade Commission there are over fifteen different costs involved in an average funeral. Each of these elements carries their own price tag. The emotion associated with the death of a loved one will not make the costs go away. It will still be expensive no matter how upset you and your family are.
Practicality of Planning
Planning ahead for personal and family funeral costs is practical because you can conduct this most important of tasks in a non-emotional environment. You will be better able to focus on what needs to be addressed and you will be in a better state of mind to make choices. Even if it does feel awkward or difficult to discuss such things with your family it will be far easier to discuss it now than it would be hours after a loved one’s death.
Planning is Cost Effective
Often times when families choose to establish their funeral plans a head of time they will get the opportunity to purchase necessary items at the current market value. This means that if you purchase a casket now and it is not needed for another twenty years, you will not pay the inflated price in the future. Today’s prices will be far cheaper than they will be when these items and services will actually be used for yourself or a family member. Planning ahead also gives you the option of installment payments. Having the option to pay for your funeral costs over a long period of time makes this large expense much more easily managed.
Planning is Kind
Your family may feel resistant at first to this topic. Take the time to explain to them that you are actually doing this as a kindness to them, not to make them uncomfortable. Ask each one of them if they would rather make these decsions right now, or the day of your death. When people think of this task in that light it is much easier to see the practicality and kindness of planning ahead.
Considering Children
Planning ahead for the funeral costs of an adult is one thing, but many people feel an extreme taboo surrounding any type of funeral planning for children. If you have small children and cannot emotionally handle making these types of decisions concerning them, you should consider setting up a life insurance policy for your children which can double as a college savings plan. These plans will ensure that there is money set aside for funeral costs in the event of your child’s death and the money can convert to cash value when they reach college age. This will at least offer some financial buffer so you would not have to worry about how to pay for a funeral while also facing the tragedy of losing a child.