For many Christians, filing for bankruptcy and settling their debts for less than they owe may seem like a less-than-Christian approach to resolving their financial difficulties. It may seem like paying less than you actually owe is not fulfilling your duty as a Christian to repay all debts, and frankly, in some cases that is true.

But when we’re really up against it financially, you need a safe solution. FaithWorks Financial provides free Christian debt counseling sessions and Christian debt settlement programs to help people resolve trouble debt.

Read on to learn if debt settlement or filing bankruptcy is an appropriate method of debt reduction for you, and use the form to the right to schedule your free consultation.

Dealing with Guilt

Being unable to repay a debt that is rightfully owed will inevitably come with a feeling of guilt. If you have decided you may want to pursue a debt relief program, it is important to deal with that guilt properly, otherwise you may second guess your decision.

Christian Debt Settlement FearsIf the alternative is to fall or remain behind on your obligations, it is better to have a plan of action, an actual solution, in place rather than continuing to let the problem build up. It is better to live in the solution than in the problem, and that is where to keep your focus rather than on the guilt of “what should have been”.

Another way to deal with any guilt that may be associated with settling your debt is to take the time to ask the right questions. This may include questions as simple as what debt relief companies follow Christian beliefs, what fees are associated with the companies debt settlement program and is it primarily for profit, and even if there are other debt counseling services also offered.

Knowing what to ask is a great way to get your mindset in order before you start your debt settlement process, making it much easier for Christians to ask for help with their debt settlement.

Having Faith in Your Decision

Christian debt reliefSometimes, people entering into a debt settlement program may be weary about letting people know that they have debt, what sort of debt they have, and how they feel about their debt as they work to eliminate it. Having a good and open relationship with a Christian credit counselor is a great way to help ease those difficulties and the guilt that may accompany the process.

When working through a Christian debt settlement program, it is very important to be comfortable with the person who is counseling you. Debt counselors- especially those that are working with Christian debt relief agencies- are trained to work with financially stressed individuals to help them come to terms with, and understand, the process.

If the credit counselor you are speaking with is not helping you be comfortable, taking the time to answer your questions, or rushing you to a decision, it may not be the right person to work with.

Without a good advisor or advising team, you may never be fully confident in your decision.

What Makes Christian Debt Settlement Different?

The primary difference with a Christian debt relief company is an alignment of values with the people you are working with. This is your financial future at hand and you will build a long term relationship with the organization that helps you. You want to know that they are not only in it to reap rewards from the misfortune of others. Their primary focus should be to help others in many ways, such as providing non-judgmental counseling, creating an honest budget, and reducing and eliminating debt for their clients.

In keeping with Christian principles, there should be a personal element to their approach. These companies and individuals are focused on helping eliminate debt for those seeking their help and improving the quality of their lives rather than simply making money off their financial downfalls.

Christian debt relief companies will also work to help these individuals out of debt in the future offering continuing support to individuals that have sought their help in the past. Rather than simply settling their debt and leaving them to fend for themselves, most Christian debt settlement companies offer some form of continuing support in the form of counseling, financial help, and more. Credit counselors and debt advisors should be trained to guide those seeking help work toward a better life, even after their debt has been settled.

If you still are having doubts about how right or moral settling your debt or filing for bankruptcy truly is, it is always best to talk to someone. Seek the help of your fellow parishioners, talk to your family or friends, or seek the help and advice of your pastor or preacher for more information. It may also be beneficial to talk to those that have been through the same process as you.

Begin Christian Debt Settlement with FaithWorks Financial

If you are still uncertain of the details or are ready to move forward with a Christian debt settlement program, reach out to an advisor at FaithWorks Financial by filling out the short form on the side of your screen, or by calling 877-232-5109 today!

About Josh

Josh Richner is the founder of FaithWorks Financial and regular contributor to the FaithWorks Blog. Josh is a Christian, a husband and a father with an unremitting passion for personal and professional growth.

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