Some messages just stick with you.

God's Wallet
Three years ago, Port City Community Church in Wilmington, N.C., did a series that was simply called “God’s.” And I’ve never been able to forget it.

For several weeks, Pastor Mike Ashcraft talked about who really owns everything—money, houses, cars, families…everything under the sun.

Despite what we may have been taught to believe, it’s all God’s.

The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it. The world and all its people belong to him. Psalm 24:1, NLT

The first week of the “God’s” series opened with this powerful, two-minute video. It’s well worth a watch.

“God’s” Series Intro from PC3 Media on Vimeo.

It visually portrays the way many of us think about possessions. And then it offers an alternative view, with the help of a yellow sticky note.

The note simply says, “God’s,” and the dad in the video sticks it on anything he can get his hands on—his TV, his children’s toys and perhaps most importantly, his wallet. He realizes that nothing is really his. He’s just a steward. And that realization changes everything.

Even though the message stuck with me, I had long forgotten about the sticky note. That is, until my husband and I went back to Wilmington for a visit and met up with some friends we hadn’t seen in a while.

We went out to lunch with Randy and Becky after church. When Randy opened up his wallet, we saw a yellow sticky note adorning the inside fold. Scrawled onto the note in black Sharpie marker was the word “God’s.” Randy hadn’t forgotten the message.

What a powerful reminder for us.

It got me thinking, what if we were all a little more like Randy? What if we had a tangible reminder of our Creator in our wallets? A reminder that didn’t just pop up at church, but at Walmart or Best Buy or Chick-fil-A?

After all, everything we touch belongs to God. When we die, the TV, the car and the bank account balance don’t go with us. God will outlast them all.

By the way, the sticky note isn’t meant to be a guilt trip. It’s just meant to remind us that those of us who call ourselves Christ followers are not owners, but stewards—temporary keepers of God’s possessions.

So, will you take the challenge to come up with a tangible reminder of God’s ownership? Is your wallet missing something yellow?

About Kristy Etheridge

Kristy Etheridge is a regular contributor to the FaithWorks Financial blog. Having racked up a large amount of debt before using a biblical approach to attack it, Kristy is passionate about financial freedom. She and her husband live in Charlotte, N.C., where Kristy works as a writer for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.