21Feb 2025

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

The term “budget” gets tossed around a lot. 

A budget can be simple or complex. It should reflect our income and our expenses, and it should be honest.

Sometimes we’re so focused on our valuables that our budget neglects to reflect our values.

Instead of merely creating a financial budget, let’s instead consider keeping God first and creating a Christian budget.

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21Feb 2025
Is it bad to cancel a credit card? Be informed and keep a balance between faith and finance.

Estimated reading time: 13 minutes

Have you ever wondered if canceling a credit card is a wise financial move—or if it could bring unexpected difficulties to your financial future? Maybe you’ve had a credit card for years, but now you’re wondering—should I cancel it to avoid temptation? Or will closing it hurt my credit? These are real concerns for many Christians who want to honor God with their finances.

We’re called to be good stewards of our resources, but navigating the world of credit scores, debt, and financial responsibility in a way that honors this calling isn’t always obvious.

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27Jun 2024

The concept of the Year of Jubilee, rooted in ancient biblical law, offers a unique lesson about debt and financial freedom. In today’s world, where debt is a growing burden for many, exploring the Jubilee year offers valuable insights and inspiration for modern debt relief practices.

Understanding the Year of Jubilee

The Jubilee year is a biblical concept introduced in Leviticus 25. Occurring every 50 years, it was a time of liberation and restoration, during which debts were forgiven, slaves were freed, and lands were returned to their original owners. This practice ensured that economic inequalities were corrected and that families could start anew without the burden of debt.

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17Aug 2021

We believe that debt limits our relationship with Christ. Our Christian debt relief program is on a mission to help.

“No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”

Matthew 6:24

When left unchecked, credit card spending can quickly get out of hand.

debt limits our relationship with Christ

The burden of debt is a heavy one! There is no doubt that it causes stress on our finances. When we think about it though, it also becomes an obstacle in our relationship with Christ. When we are constantly thinking about our debt, it becomes a master. We know from the book of Matthew that we cannot serve two masters.

As Christian, it is our duty to be sensible when handling money. Debt limits our relationship with Christ, so we must create a plan to deal with our debt. In doing so we take care of our finances, but also keep our relationship with Christ strong and healthy.

In a Christian debt relief plan, we must take care of our spiritual bank account as well. We should be prayerful and have faith in the Lord to help us through this difficult time. The Bible tells us that “The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD,” so we can trust him for salvation from debt (Psalm 37:23).

Seeking Christian Debt Relief When Debt Limits Our Relationship With Christ

Faith is an important part of a Christian’s life. We should never fall into the trap of believing that money will solve everything. It won’t! When debt becomes too heavy to bear, our Christian debt relief services can help you explore ways to resolve your debt affordably. More importantly, we’ll ensure that the approach is in line with your spiritual principles as well.

As Christian debt relief professionals, we are able to help you with the financial aspect of your debt situation. That said, the ultimate goal and our mission is to bring you into a closer relationship with God. Our Christian Debt settlement program is built on biblical principles and will give you the peace of mind you need to get out of debt.

For Christian Debt Settlement Services contact our Christian debt relief experts by using the form on the side of this page.

12Aug 2021

There is so much wisdom to be found in the Bible to guide us to successful Christian debt management. The Bible has a few different passages that cover debt and general finances. In 1 Timothy 6:10, Paul says “The love of money is the root of all evil.” For this reason, Jesus says Christians should not be overly concerned with money. A Biblical budget is an honest budget, which also teaches us to be content with what we have (Hebrews 13:5).

These two principles— not worshiping money and being content with what we have—are excellent foundations for Christian personal finance.

The Bible teaches that a faithful Christian’s primary focus should be on God and the things of God, not money or material things. Matthew 6:33 says “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

Bible budgeting and Christian debt management.

Christian debt management means being wise with our personal finances. God entrusted us with money so we can be good stewards, give it to others and further the kingdom of God. It’s important that we honor our blessings by not placing our faith in money, but storing our treasures in heaven.

Practicing Biblical Budgeting for Christian Debt Management

It is also important as Christians to be content with what we currently have. Hebrews 13:5 says “Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have.”

And lastly, Paul said for us to view money through a Biblical lens, he told Timothy in 1 Timothy 6:17-19 , that it was good and profitable if people put their hope in God and store up treasures in heaven that cannot be corrupted by moths or rust. He goes on to say that our worldly treasures will quickly perish and decay when compared to the imperishable riches in heaven. Also, Paul told Timothy not to be concerned for those things that would not allow him to lead a godly life and instead encourages him to trust God who gives us everything we need.

Whenever we need guidance on Christian finance and Christian debt management, we certainly do not need to look very far.