18Jun 2014

With a busy ministry to manage, it is easy to forget how important finances are in keeping the church active and growing. Financial professionals will tell you that the future of the organization relies on the ability of its leaders to make savvy money decisions.

Proactive StampIt is always best to be proactive rather than reactive. Consider these 10 business tactics that will help keep the church treasury secure. Continue reading

04Jun 2014

Does this scenario sound familiar? It’s Saturday night, and your entertainment budget is somewhere between zero and Dollar Menu. This morning, you resolved to stick to your budget and enjoy a quiet night in.

And then you got “the text.” You know it well. It’s the one that informs you your friends are planning to go out to dinner. Or to the movies. Or bowling. And you’re invited. Suddenly your plans to enjoy leftovers, Netflix, and the couch seem incredibly lame.

So, what do you do?

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