If battling debt is like war, who is your foxhole friend?
I’m talking about the one person who’s got your back in the fight for financial freedom. The person who will encourage you, hold you accountable, and tell you what you need to hear…not just what you want to hear.
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I’ll admit, I don’t typically spend a lot of time in the book of Exodus. But the other day I wound up there, and a particular story really struck me.
Just one month after God rescued the people of Israel from a life of slavery in Egypt, they were journeying through the wilderness and grumbling the whole way.
Have you ever prayed and prayed for God to give you something—or take something away—and when it finally happens, you rejoice for a whopping 24 hours before finding something else you’re dissatisfied about? Continue reading
A trip to the emergency room. A flat tire (or two). An unexpected, astronomical vet bill. Storm damage to your home. A broken appliance (not the toaster or the coffee maker…the refrigerator or the washing machine). A dead transmission. A notice that your rent is going up…a lot.
You may have personally dealt with one or two of these issues, or perhaps every single one of them. Either way, you know what they have in common: sticker shock. And if you don’t have a fully loaded emergency fund, you also know that awful feeling that can form in the pit of your stomach when you first set your eyes on an unexpected bill. Continue reading
May 1st is the National Day of Prayer in the United States. It’s a day for believers to pray for their local, state and national leaders. It’s also a great time to pray for financial peace—on a personal level and on a much larger scale.
The Bible says, “If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them” (James 4:17, NIV). It’s impossible to out-give God. Whether you barely give at all or steadily contribute tithes and offerings, talk to God about areas where you’re holding back. Repent, and ask God to help you to be a faithful, cheerful giver. Continue reading
If you are in the trenches of a Christian debt consolidation program, the last thing on your mind might be helping the needy in your community. You might very well be feeling as if you yourself are the needy one right now. However, the Christian obligation toward the needy is a relevant financial issue and as you continue your journey toward financial freedom you will have more disposable income with which to give. The question for many individuals is not should they give. Most Christians understand the giving principals and want to keep blessings flowing their way by giving to others. The question is to whom do we give? And how much of our own personal prejudice gets in the way of our giving to others?
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We talk about money a lot around here. Like it or not, the way money is managed (or mismanaged) has a profound effect on just about every aspect of life, from relationships to physical, emotional and spiritual health.
But as we prepare to celebrate Easter, we are reminded of one gift that money could never buy.
More than 2,000 years ago, Jesus chose to leave his perfect home in heaven and become one of us. He could have entered the world as a king in a palace. Instead, he took the lowly position of a carpenter’s son, spending the first hours of His life in a feeding trough for animals. Continue reading